This program will help you write a letter that formally requests the money you are owed. This is called a Demand Letter.The Bail Bonds Filed Report is a monthly summary of bail bonds filed in the Criminal Division. Tapout Bail Bonds is here to serve San Jose, and the surrounding areas of Santa Clara County, for all your bail related needs. Documents to satisfy a bond must be submitted to the Criminal Intake window between the hours of am and pm, and must be presented in person. A civil demand letter is a precursor to a small claims action. Complete both pages of the application. If the court increases the bail amount, the surety can demand additional collateral. 14. An individual is eligible for a refund of their bail money if they fulfill all their court obligations. In order for you to be able to post bail, you have to either have the proper amount of cash on hand or post a cashier's check for that amount at the jail.