Enter your bond details to: View your bond; Amend bond details; Arrange a bond refund; Transfer a bond. In Victoria when your tenancy or residency ends, a Bond claim form will need to be filled out and submitted to the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA).To ensure you are ready click on the "REGISTER" button NOW, and start transacting online to lodge, claim and transfer bonds. RTBA Online is a safe and secure system that allows you to complete bond transactions online in a quick and convenient way. You do not have to wait for the rental provider, or agent, to prepare a claim form, and you do not need their agreement either. It's been two years since Andrew Gilliam, a 27yearold rocket engineer, was killed Police have yet to find his killer. Take a deep dive and learn all about otters - from what they like to eat to how they care for their young. Click here for a library of otter resources.