See a sample Answer Form for Consumer Credit Transaction. We assist New Yorkers involved in tax disputes, bankruptcy proceedings, and consumer issues such as credit cards, auto loans, medical, and student loan debt.Looking to arbitrate a debt collection claim? Here are your options when it comes to arbitration for debt collection in New York. If you are being sued in Small Claims Court for an alleged debt and think you might need a lawyer, you can reach out to the Legal Aid Society here. To dispute a debt, you must write a letter to the debt-collection agency within 30 days of their initial contact with you. While debtors' prisons may have been abolished in the mid1800s, many working families today find themselves in a virtual prison of debt. Nassau and Western Suffolk County accept credit cards in the courthouse. Keep in mind you might have to show up in court and talk to judge. First things first file your answer and that will buy you some time.