Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case. A. Type in 99500 in the Case Cross Reference Number box. b.Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. This legal research guide features links to family law resources in Cook County, Illinois, the United States generally, and internationally. I'm filing for divorce in Cook County Illinois. I know that I have to fill out the domestic cover sheet and the summons. The first step is to fill out the required documents. Our Chicago, IL divorce and family law mediators help with resolutions regarding property division, child custody, and child support. Assigned to the criminal division in 2012, Judge Cook was appointed presiding judge there in 2018. (847) 749-4182 634 S. Arthur Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60005.