All of our training workshops focus on practical application of the rules, regulations, and procedures of each arbitration program. Yes, you may request a deferment in this forum.The message for the whole day right which is that arbitration is a creature of contract and it seems pretty basic. Step 1: Submit the Applicable Agreement(s) Each Agreement needs to be completed in its entirety with the exception of the subsidiary listing section. The chief arbitrator has authority to commence and adjourn the arbitration hearing and carry out other duties under section 44.103, Florida. Statutes. For questions on mandatory auto arbitration laws or subrogating auto insurance claims, contact Lee Wickert, with MWL, at 8006379176. The first requirement for filing workers' compensation arbitration is that you must meet the membership requirements established under Article Fifth (AF's. NAF Rule 20 requires arbitrators to "follow the applicable substantive law. The message for the whole day right which is that arbitration is a creature of contract and it seems pretty basic. The appeal process is described in Rule 2-12.