The topics include arbitrator selection, applicable law (procedural and substantive), the interplay between mediation and arbitration, effective use of arbitral. Some courts automatically send cases for money to arbitration for decision.Use a sample Motion to Compel Abritration or let the SoloSuit's software draft a customized Motion to Compel Arbitration for you. This form is for the initiation of mediation through the Fulton County Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The Plaintiff should. If the plaintiff has a lawyer, a copy of your Answer should be mailed to the lawyer. As a result, we will accept only those cases in which the Form AR or NF-10 is filled out completely. You will want to choose an attorney who specializes or has experience in the relevant area of law, for example, contract law or consumer law. Arbitration is similar to going to court, but faster, cheaper and less complex than litigation. If the case settles, an arbitration will last around one year.