Rental arbitrage is an expert technique where you sublease a property for the sole purpose of Airbnb. Arbitrage is a condition where you can simultaneously buy and sell the same or similar product or asset at different prices, resulting in a risk-free profit.Forex arbitrage is a risk-free trading strategy that allows retail forex traders to make a profit with no open currency exposure. Arbitrage is the act of exploiting price differences within the financial markets to make a profit. Discover tips and strategies for arbitrage trading here. Rental arbitrage is a business model where an individual or entity rents a property longterm and then rerents or sublets that property on a shortterm basis. Arbitrage refers to a profit making activity where buying and selling of a security is done on different exchanges or markets. Arbitrage is the act of taking advantage of a price difference in two different markets. Arbitrage in real estate is a type of investment strategy where real estate investors find new investment properties, rent them, and then sublease them. Airbnb rental arbitrage involves leasing a property longterm and then renting it out shortterm on platforms like Airbnb.