Founded in 1943, Arbitration Forums is a membership-focused organization dedicated to providing its membership exceptional service. Forprofit organization and world's largest provider of arbitration, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services.For assistance with all AF products and services, including support for member arbitrators, please contact: Phone: 1-866-977-3434. Arbitration is a selection of a dispute resolution forum. More Mandatory Arbitration Information. There is no impartial judge or jury, no appeal, no consumer protection, and no requirement to follow the law. Transnational Arbitration. 13th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration - Houston. For additional information, please see our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Visitors to the American Arbitration Association Offices. Is the nation's largest arbitration and subrogation services provider serving over 5,300 members' recovery and resolution needs.