Divorce arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution that can be a helpful and cost-effective tool in a Michigan divorce. Divorce arbitration is a binding dispute resolution tool that gives couples and families flexibility and finality to choose their decision-maker.To serve the motion, fill out the "Certificate of Mailing" section at the bottom of the form and make two copies. "A complaint for divorce may be filed in the circuit court upon the allegation that there has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship. In a Michigan divorce, the parties can agree to arbitration instead of trial. Arbitration is a voluntary process. This means both parties have to agree to go to arbitration, and they must agree on what issue(s) the arbitrator will decide. The Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR) coordinates the alternative dispute resolution services of the State Court Administrative Office. When time, money or privacy are a concern, arbitration and mediation offer clients other options. Not all legal action is resolved in a courtroom setting.