Org and obtain the written Demand for Arbitration form. To learn more about hosting longer stays, check out this guide.Ensure your calendar availability is up to date. Hotels. A notice to dispute was left unanswered, so I filed for the arbitration following Airbnb TOS. First, you should know that property owners are barred from renting out a whole apartment to shortterm guests staying for fewer than 30 days. You call up a local arbitration firm in your area. They will serve them and set a date. Section 22 of these Terms contains an arbitration agreement and class action waiver that apply to all claims brought against Airbnb in the United States. In a nutshell, I booked a last-minute Airbnb in New York City listed it had security cameras. Don't know anything about USA law but here your tenant has breached the lease and you simply throw them out.