Arbitrage-free valuation is the value of an asset or financial instrument based solely on the real performance or cash flows that it generates. Proposition 2.10 of Tomas Bjork's "Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time" states that if the general binomial model is free of arbitrage then it is also complete.Arbitrage is a condition where you can simultaneously buy and sell the same or similar product or asset at different prices, resulting in a risk-free profit. The "No Arbitrage Principle" has many variations, but the basic idea is that "no" arbitrage can be expected to be found in a real economy. If markets are complete, under no arbitrage there exists a unique valuation functional. • If markets are not complete, then there exists v ∈ RS with 0 = Xv. Arbitrage refers to exploiting a price imbalance in the same asset that exists between two or more markets. No arbitrage means "create profit without any risk".