To act as arbiter upon (a disputed question) : to settle (a dispute between two people or groups) after hearing the arguments and opinions of both. Arbitrability refers to whether an issue must be litigated in court or can be arbitrated instead.The short answer is "yes"as long as there is a properly drafted arbitration clause in a sales contract. When disputes arise between businesses, the interpretation of the terms of the parties' agreement often will determine which side prevails. When disputes arise between businesses, the interpretation of the terms of the parties' agreement often will determine which side prevails. The Court addresses the motions in the following order: (A) Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Compel Arbitration, (B) Defendants'. Arbitration is similar to mediation, but the arbitration process is the pathway to settling disputes in an effort to prevent going to court. ORDER INFORMATION: Please fill out this form and return it to Kathy Clark, Palm Beach County Bar Association, 1507 Belvedere Road,. West Palm Beach, FL 33406. Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2750 attorneys in 48 locations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia.