For assistance with all AF products and services, including support for member arbitrators, please contact: Phone: 1-866-977-3434. Prior to the pandemic and everything shutting down, Arbitration Forums already had an electronic environment.Service Teams ; Civil (520) 7724-8427 ; Criminal (520) 724-8721 ; Family Law (520) 724-8424 ; Probate (520) 724-8157 ; Arbitration (520) 724-3022 Unifying Juvenile and Family Matters in Marion County. Position Description. REOPEN OPEN UNTIL FILLED Salary Grade: 16. "may contain a provision for the binding arbitration of disputes arising out of such contract. Contractual arbitration is the preferred way many businesses and individuals chose and use to resolve their legal disputes. Hon. Jeffrey T. Bergin Presiding Judge Superior Court in Pima County 110 W. Congress Tucson, Arizona 85701 520.724. Let Arbitrators Decide Facts and Judges Decide Law.