Arbitration is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process used to resolve disputes outside the court system. California law requires that you file for arbitration within 5 years of the first demand for compensation.(951) 742-7681 6780 Indiana Ave. California Insurance Code requires that the arbitration process is complete before the insured can take legal action against the insurance company. One of the purposes of mediation is to give you the opportunity to tell your insurance company your perspective regarding the dispute in a joint session. Serving the Inland Empire since 1981. As experienced insurance claim attorneys, we are here to guide you through every step of the arbitration process and ensure you receive the outcome you deserve. If a party is insured a representative from the insurance company should also attend the mediation equipped with settlement authority. The County agrees to provide these benefits subject to carrier requirements as specified in the Certificate of Insurance. Temporary Restraining Order (TRO).