The Fee Arbitration Program is always in need of arbitrators. You need not be a lawyer to be an arbitrator.If a client requests arbitration through the Mandatory Fee Arbitration program, it is required for the attorney. If you are in need of legal representation regarding arbitration, the experienced attorneys of BoyesLegal APC can help! Call our office today! In this article, we debunk some of the most prevalent myths about arbitrating business disputes. While the law does not require you to have an attorney during the arbitration process, it is in your best interest to have one. JAMS Silicon Valley Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services (San Jose, CA) 160 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 1600, San Jose, 95113 CA 408-288-2240 Myths About Arbitrating Business Disputes - San Jose Business Arbitration Lawyer. California law has ADR in place for you because it proves to be more beneficial to you and the state's legal system for resolving civil disputes.