The process for arbitration and mediation varies depending on the type of case before the court. Application for a summons DC-430 File with a verified complaint to request the court to issue a summons if you do not have an attorney.Suffolk Law and the AAA will create an accessible, digital process for lowcontest divorces and family law matters in Massachusetts. The forms listed below are used in civil and criminal cases in the Superior Court. They are for lawyers and for people who do not have lawyers. All papers to be filed in a court proceeding are to be mailed to the Suffolk County Clerk, Attn: Court Actions, 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901. Q. The Suffolk County Bar Association is the New York State approved body for reviewing and resolving Attorney-Client Fee Disputes. The DLR may order binding grievance arbitration under Section 8 of the Law upon the union or employer's request if the following criteria are met.