Thirteenth Judicial Circuit - Forms List. Please select the category below to expand and view general forms for those division.An updated list of certified mediators available in the 13th Circuit can be obtained via. If you wish to be included in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court appointed arbitrator list, please download and complete the Arbitrator Application. Harold Oehler is a Federal and Florida Supreme Court certified mediator, providing civil litigation mediation services throughout Florida. In Hillsborough County, each party selects their own arbitrator who then select a chief arbitrator to form a panel of three arbitrators. Peter is also an experienced certified circuit civil mediator. The Juvenile Arbitration Program is a diversion program for first time juvenile misdemeanor offenders. Ron is dedicated to providing meaningful dispute resolution services to litigants in a thoughtful and compassionate manner. Time for completing mediation shall be tolled during any periods where mediation is interrupted pending resolution of such a motion.