Find out how to get an arbitrator appointed and the appointment process. ADR provides a means to settle legal disputes for civil, family, and probate matters outside of the courtroom in a more collaborative environment.Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution where an independent third party hears the case and determines the result. In 2020 Judge (ret) Fields began conducting both mediations and arbitrations via video conferencing. SUBMITTING A PETITIONTo complete the Petition form, click here. Submit the completed Petition and all paperwork using ADRE's Message Center, here. If there is a conflict, you must notify the issuing superior court in writing that you have a conflict and should not appear as the arbitrator. This is where you need to outline the specific points that are in dispute in your case and that you believe the court needs to resolve. Mediation, Arbitration, Settlement Conferences, and Other Dispute Resolution Processes. Outside of Conciliation Court Services. 68.