The process involves using a neutral third person to settle a case without a trial. We provide arbitration services to assist employers and employee representatives in resolving contractual disputes.MDRS, Boston mediation and abritration firm, highlights mediation guidelines, mediation and arbitration agreements, and the dispute resolution process. Arbitration disputes are final and legally binding at MDRS, a Massachusetts Abritration and Mediation firm in Boston and Salem. JAMS Boston Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services. One Boston Place, 201 Washington Street, Suite 3300, Boston, MA 02108. 617-228-0200 Complete the provided spreadsheet. Arbitration falls under the title of "alternative dispute resolution". Simply put, arbitration is another way to resolve a legal case or claim. Arbitration involves a private, neutral person (or persons, in some instances) make what usually amounts to a final decision on your case.