The Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR) coordinates the alternative dispute resolution services of the State Court Administrative Office. ADR is any process designed to resolve a legal dispute in the place of court adjudication.ADR includes the following: You may contact the other side(s) and jointly fill out a. Submission to Arbitration, which can be found on our website. Arbitration is a private, voluntary process where you and the other party choose a neutral person to make a decision in your case. The parties are instructed to submit a Proposed Pretrial Statement to the judicial staff with agreed upon dates for inclusion into a scheduling order. Arbitration may be pursued through a private arbitrator or arbitration service or through the American Arbitration Association. Mediation. Case evaluation, a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), is done under Michigan Court Rule 2.403. JAMS Detroit Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services.