The Dispute Resolution Center´s goal is to serve the community as a resource for resolving disputes of all kinds. Arbitration has been a part of conflict resolution since King Solomon settled the dispute between two women both claiming to be the mother of the same child.The Supreme Court held that the San Antonio River Authority possessed the authority to agree to arbitrate claims under Texas Local Government Code Chapter 271. The Supreme Court of Texas issued two key decisions that may provide employers with stronger legal grounds for enforcing their arbitration agreements. In adjudicating an application to compel arbitration, the court should not address the merits of the dispute. It is used when two parties have a dispute and wish to avoid the lengthy and expensive process of litigation in a public court of law. Many of the limitations regarding coverage in the. Texas Arbitration Act are not found in the Federal. In these cases, parties may be required to go to court instead of using arbitration. San Antonio 2008, orig.