In Arbitration, a neutral person (called the "arbitrator") hears the evidence and the arguments of the parties, then makes a decision on your case. You and the other parties must fill out and file a form called ADR Stipulation and Order .Free Consultation - Call (510) 747-8034 - Richard H. Poulson helps companies with business matters in Mediation and Arbitration cases. JAMS Silicon Valley Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services (San Jose, CA) 160 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 1600, San Jose, 95113 CA 408-288-2240 The Fee Arbitration Program provides clients and attorneys with a simple method to resolve fee disputes without going to court. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures include mediation, collaboration, arbitration, private neutral evaluation and private judging. Locate the appropriate ADR form for your county below. Cost-effectiveness: Mediation is generally less costly than litigation and other dispute resolution methods, including arbitration.