If you wish to attempt to resolve your dispute through mediation, you may indicate your wish on the Request for Fee. The process for arbitration and mediation varies depending on the type of case before the court.The Suffolk County Bar Association is the New York State approved body for reviewing and resolving Attorney-Client Fee Disputes. To submit a case please complete the form below. To review, edit or change an answer, please click the corresponding step(s) below. Arbitration: Arbitration is similar to the courtroom process, but with fewer formalities and more flexible evidence rules. The DLR may order binding grievance arbitration under Section 8 of the Law upon the union or employer's request if the following criteria are met. De Novo Trial: A de novo trial essentially means starting over in a new court proceeding as if the arbitration decision had never occurred. The principal forms of ADR include arbitration, neutral evaluation, and mediation. Suffolk Law and the AAA will create an accessible, digital process for lowcontest divorces and family law matters in Massachusetts.