On the Forms page complete a Request a Mediation form. Send the form to Dispute Resolution as instructed on the form.Download the Fee Arbitration Inquiry form here. Download the Fee Arbitration Rules here. The Dispute Resolution Program of Tarrant County (DRP) provides mediation and conflict resolution training to residents, businesses, agencies, and the courts. Tarrant County Dispute Resolution is a mediation process intended to help parties in dispute reach an agreement to avoid going to court. To qualify for court appointment to facilitate ADR proceed- ings, the third-party neutral must complete forty hours of training as set forth in the Act. He is an active mediator and arbitrator and represents clients in mediation and arbitration - both domestic and international. In order to proceed with case administration, the ICDR® must verify, on a threshold level, whether we have the administrative jurisdiction. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution.