All parties must agree to arbitration and complete and sign DWC Form044, Election to Engage in Arbitration. There is a deadline.Arbitration has been a part of conflict resolution since King Solomon settled the dispute between two women both claiming to be the mother of the same child. For Court: Defenses that challenge the validity of the agreement to arbitrate only. â–« For Arbitrators: Defenses that would void the contract as a whole. Audrey sits down with me today to talk about arbitration, what it is, when it's useful, and some of the pros and cons of its use in family law cases. Arbitration works a lot like an actual trial. The arbitrator will hear both sides of the dispute. The Supreme Court of Texas issued two key decisions that may provide employers with stronger legal grounds for enforcing their arbitration agreements. When you sign a contract that contains an arbitration clause, you agree to arbitrate disputes arising out of the contract with the other party to the contract.