The CHO may execute subcontracts for services necessary to enable the CHO to carry out the programs specified in this contract. Construction Documents: The construction documents include all the Design Professional's work product as listed in the Construction Contract.Please clarify does the Master Agreement Between Owner and Consultant need to be filled out and executed at this time or is it for reference? Agreement between Owner and Consultant for Professional Design Services as part of the Vendors' responses. Project The Project is the total work to be performed under this Agreement. Bargaining unit seniority: For the purposes of this agreement, all bargaining unit members' seniority shall be defined to be the length of continuous. Program design shall allow for BTU and district participation in workshops where feasible an equitable manner. (b) Extension of time for unforeseen circumstances. Fire Chief or their designee) will be filled out on a first-come-first-serve basis. RED text are instructions for the person filling out the template, and should be deleted when no longer necessary.