In general, the acceptance must correspond to the terms of the offer. Otherwise, the acceptance is interpreted as a rejection or counteroffer.If you have a breach of contract in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Wright Commercial Litigation has an expert attorney that can help. The offeree must assent with respect to the material, essential terms before a binding contract arises. Chapter 16 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code specifies that there is a fouryear statute of limitations for breach of contract claims. Either words or conduct constitutes acceptance of an offer if it occurs in accordance with and in response to the specific terms of the offer. A party may seek to modify an offer, known as a counteroffer, but ultimately an offer must be accepted as is. Learn what makes contracts legally binding in Texas, including key elements, Statute of Frauds rules, and how to protect your business agreements. Irving insurance lawyers need to be able to discuss with clients when offers of settlement should be accepted and how to accept the claim. This means the agreement must involve an offer, acceptance, consideration, and mutual intent to be bound.