THIS CONTRACT (hereinafter "Contract" or "Centralized Contract") for the acquisition of Security Guard Services. THIS CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, is made and entered into on this 10 day of July ,.THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT is made and entered into as of January 1, 2021 (the "Effective. Information on the DOL registration process and the portal to register can be found on the DOL's Contractor and Subcontractor website. THIS DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT (hereinafter "Contract") is made this XX day of XXXX, between the. The requirements for PCI DSS compliance validation are described in the Bank's "Merchant. NYS' official source of contracting opportunities. Bringing business and government together. Requirements provided in the Contract Documents, on a Surety Company's. Consider FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) grant acceptance (HMGP-DR4501) for various emergency notification equipment.