The purpose of this chapter is to enunciate the public policies pertaining to governmental procurement from nongovernmental sources. Contract: The Contract Between Owner and Design-Build Contractor, DGS-30-065 (Form CO-9DB) hereinafter referred to as the Contract.Fairfax, VA attorney explains an independent contractor agreement, and who needs one in Virginia. Call (703) 865-6100 to schedule a consultation. Use our Independent Contractor Agreement to create a contract between a company and a contractor (or freelancer). Once the requirement is complete and approved, the CAI Contract Manager releases the requirement to the qualified Subcontractor network via the VMS. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drugfree workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in. THIS CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, including any attached addenda, if applicable (Contract) is effective as of July 1,.