Clark County Self-Funded PPO allows eligible dependent(s) and retirees residing outside the State of Nevada access to the United Healthcare Choice Plus Network. Clark University Retirement Plan ("Plan") has been adopted to provide you with the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax advantaged.Plan – The Lewis and Clark College Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and Tax Deferred Annuity Plan is the Plan described in this Summary Plan Description. This Agreement is effective as of the next enrollment or change date as provided for in the current Plan Document. Roll over your account balance to an eligible governmental 457(b) (such as a voluntary 457(b) with NDC), 401(k), 403(b) or 401(a) plan or to an IRA. However, see When not to use Form 5305-SEP, later. The Plan supercedes previous deferred compensation plans dating back to 1987. The following brief description of the Plan provides only general information. When you go to work for a new employer, you must complete a new Deferred Salary. Agreement form if you intend to make pre-tax contributions to the Annuity Fund.