Answer to Request to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement. ADOPT-325, Judges Order to: Enforce, Change, End Contact After Adoption Agreement.Prepare your documents: Complete "Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court. Both the employee deferral and the County contribution to the Contra Costa County. The Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association ("CCCERA") invites organizations to submit proposals on providing IRC 457(b) Deferred. FINAL (11th month) evaluation for a probationary employee. The employee must have been employed full-time in the Contra. Costa Community College District for at least ten (10) years in a faculty position. 14.1.4. Participation in a 403(b) Plan is voluntary and the Employee agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Employer and Tax. This Addendum is intended for use in the unincorporated portions of Contra Costa County.