I request that the Court place me on Deferred Disposition for this case. _____ (initial) I understand the following terms of Deferred Disposision: 1.Here's a sample deferred disposition agreement from the Austin Municipal Court for people charged with certain moving violations. Example: Say Tex is put on 9 months deferred for assaulting someone at a bar. Deferred Disposition is an option that will keep your citation from being reported as a conviction on your driving record. A deferred compensation agreement is an agreement between a company and an employee that withholds paying some of the employee's salary. Typically, the only thing you will be required to do for your probationary period is pay a fine and be a good driver for up to 180 days. Following the form, you will find detailed instructions on completing the form. ☐ Fill out Pre-Trial Diversion Referral and Consent Form. A sample form from the United States Courts website for an incarcerated person petitioning for relief from a federal conviction or sentence.