Fee Disclosure Form and Compensation Agreement. SBA form 159 Fee Disclosure and Compensation Agreement for use with 7(a) and 504 Loan programs.About this document and download. Purpose of this form: Section 13 of the Small Business Act requires that an SBA disaster loan applicant. Agreement Form 159D which will be provided for Borrower upon request or can be found on the. Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank Fee Disclosure Form And Compensation Agreement (SBA Form 159D) 63E153C3 Form. SBA Form 159, the Fee Disclosure and Compensation Agreement, is necessary for reporting the fees being paid during an SBA loan transaction. How to fill out the SBA Form 159 Fee Disclosure and Compensation Agreement? 1. Gather necessary information from the lender, applicant, and agent. 2. We have added the following sections of law that volunteer firefighters and authorities having jurisdiction routinely encounter, including: Executive Law § 159!