A deferred compensation agreement is an agreement between a company and an employee that withholds paying some of the employee's salary. This publication contains the five essay questions from the February 2020 California Bar Examination and two selected answers for each question.Pretrial diversion is a legal mechanism that allows certain individuals to bypass the traditional prosecutorial process in favor of rehabilitative programs. A deferral agreement is a contract between a lender and company that sets the terms and conditions of an agreed-upon payment deferral. A deferred prosecution is the best result you can obtain in a criminal case. It means you do not have to enter a guilty plea. This publication contains the five essay questions from the October 2020 California Bar Examination and two selected answers for each question. Deferred entry of judgment is a program in California that permits a judge to avoid entering a conviction in a criminal case. This template can work for you! Security deposit FAQs.