Your financial professional will help you fill out all the necessary documents once you're satisfied with your plan selection and have discussed it with any. To enroll as a member in the Fund, you must complete the MBF Form 1060.Deferred compensation plans allow a worker or employee to earn a W2 wage, bonuses and other compensation in a certain year and receive earnings in another. "Assets" means all Compensation Deferred under the Plan plus earnings thereon less deductions therefrom. Employers can use life insurance to fund their future owed payments in deferred compensation plans and to help the employee build more wealth. Benefit Distribution Request (PDF) (PDF) – Start the process needed to request a distribution from the Plan. A deferred compensation plan is another name for a 457(b) retirement plan, or "457 plan" for short. A non qualified deferred compensation plan is a strategy companies use to provide additional supplemental benefits to their key people.