The County of Riverside offers a voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan to assist employees in meeting their financial goals in retirement. The City provides all benefited employees the opportunity to participate in a Section 457b Deferred Compensation plan.Benefit Distribution Request (PDF) (PDF) – Start the process needed to request a distribution from the Plan. This claim is for: First time claimants for the Disabled Veterans' Exemption; or • Annual claimants for the Low-Income Exemption. Sign up and manage your deferred compensation retirement account. You can now do many formbased tasks online, like filing a disability claim and applying for the GI Bill or VA health care. Submit your forms as follows: 1) Inquries and questions can be sent via email to the Plan. Your local Benefits Office is a resource for answers to questions about your benefits and for benefits publications and forms. This publication is designed to help CalPERS members who are veterans learn about the various types of military service credit options.