Before completing this form, read the back for important information regarding Hardship Withdrawals. 2. Use this form to request a withdrawal of vested funds from your Utah Retirement Systems (URS) 401(k) Plan.Withdrawing from a 457(b) Plan​​ Or, complete and submit the forms in the 457(b) Plan Benefit Withdrawal Packet. If you have any questions about completing this form, or about applying for a withdrawal on your own behalf, please contact Carolina Lopez at (510) 464-6208. A deferred compensation agreement is an agreement between a company and an employee that withholds paying some of the employee's salary. You are eligible to withdraw savings from your MNDCP account at any age upon retirement, termination of employment, or disability. Accumulated annual leave -- Annual conversion to deferred compensation plan. Pension Plan, Profit-Sharing Plan, and. Other Deferred Compensation Plan. Westminster University is a private, non-profit, accredited, and comprehensive liberal arts university in Salt Lake City, Utah.