Los empleados también tienen derecho a recibir una compensación por los honorarios de abogados incurridos al presentar dicho reclamo ante la Junta Laboral. This manual is not a complete guide to handling Arizona Workers' Compensation Claims and cannot cover every possible situation.1. Complete all areas on both forms, EXCEPT the Judge's signature and date lines. 2. Include the COURT CASE NUMBER on the petition and order. Employers are required to replace mandatory workplace notices when the content of a notice changes. At this time, changes have been made to the. To apply for the CARW Program at your residence, please fill out this application and submit it to the water company. Contractor to fill out and file a living wage certification with tile. City Manager within thirty (30) days of Award of the Contract. Mail or fax the completed form to the Clerk of the Board at the address shown: 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 402.