Use VA Form 210781 if you've been diagnosed with a mental health condition related to a traumatic event during your military service. How do I file a claim for compensation?A deferred claim typically means your claim lacks sufficient evidence. A claim becomes confirmed and continued only after additional evidence has been provided. When you receive a letter that says your claim has been deferred, it simply means the VA has decided not to make a decision yet. Our letter dated asked you to furnish details regarding the stressful event(s) that caused your post traumatic stress disorder. This Medical Opinion responds to a 212507 request to add an addendum to the examination previously conducted on this veteran. VA form 214138, also known as a Statement in Support of Claim, is a form that can play a crucial role in the VA's assessment of your disability claim. A deferred VA claim means your claim was neither denied nor approved. Instead, it's put on hold until you can submit sufficient evidence.