Employees of Washington state and political subdivisions who offer the DCP program are eligible to participate in DCP. Enrolling as a new customer is easy!Deferred compensation is an agreement between employee and employer to postpone part of the employee's income until separation from service. Deferred compensation plans allow the participant to defer income today and withdraw it at some point in the future (usually upon retirement) Employees have the option to participate in a choice of IRS 457 deferred compensation plans - pretax and Roth post-tax options. (i) State R's ' 457(b) plan provides for elective deferrals from current salary, as well as a one percent of salary nonelective contribution for each employee. Deferred compensation refers to money received in one year for work performed in a previous year often many years earlier. The 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan is one piece of your retirement program designed to supplement your retirement savings. (Fill in the date you want the salary reduction contributions to begin.