Deferred Pay for 9 month faculty is where your wages are earned over 9 months (20 pays) but the payment of these wages is spread over 12 months (26 pays). This specimen document is for the use of the Employer's tax or legal advisors.Employees need to contact Wayne County Retirement prior to last day of employment to complete the "WCERS Deferred Compensation Plan – Change Request Form". This election form must be received in the Payroll Office no later than August 1st to be eligible. Banner ID: Employee Name: Email: __. If you need assistance completing this form, please contact your retirement plan representative or the Lincoln Customer Contact Center at 800-234-3500. This form may be used for 457(b) Governmental Plans, 457(b) Tax-Exempt Plans and 457(e)(11) LOSAP arrangements. For use with: Multi-Fund® 1-4. In so doing, the Company: (a) knowingly waives its right to indictment on this charge, as well as all rights to a speedy trial pursuant to the.