You can pay them a flat fee. Only licensed real estate brokers and agents can use the CAR form, not attorneys, so hiring an attorney who is not a broker will not help you get the CAR forms.Curious about the paperwork for selling a house without a Realtor? Can a realtor sign a sales contract without a complete listing agreement? This FSBO paperwork is needed as soon as you accept an offer, so it's useful to have a purchase agreement onhand that you can fill out quickly. This form is intended for use with the California Association of REALTORS® forms RPA ("Residential Purchase. The MOU established the terms under which Buyer and Seller would cooperate to increase the supply of low-income housing within the City of Alameda, while. Introduce our role in the transaction to every party involved. Review every document to verify correct dates, initials, broker information, and signatures. We'll let you decide what's right for you.