Explore FSBO transaction services in Pennsylvania with Pennsylvania Land Titles, guiding you from start to finish for a smooth sale. A Pennsylvania residential purchase agreement establishes a legal arrangement between a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction.Find useful forms for property assessments, real estate property and deeds, Military Discharge (DD214) requests, and more. Explore top-tier real estate services with Pennsylvania Land Titles. Expert support for buyers, sellers, and more across the state. Discover the key paperwork for FSBO home sales in Ohio with our concise guide, ensuring a smooth and legal property transaction. Have the seller fill out listing paperwork with all the details pertaining to the property. In this tutorial I will explain how to use Google Forms effectively to get reviews from past clients as well as your SOI. Real Estate Portal; Open Records; Electronic Filing and Retrieval System; Document Portal; Allegheny County's online 'real estate website' search application.