The federal adjusted gross income that you use on your Arizona return may not be the same as the federal adjusted gross income from your federal tax return. A profit gained from selling a capital asset is referred to as capital gains.This could be an investment like a stock or an asset like a business. Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale. Steppedup basis lowers taxable gains when certain assets, such as receivables and inventory, are sold or converted into cash. If you have any date of acquisition in your tax Federal tax return, it will trigger the AZ special capital gains tax exemption. In an asset sale, the new owner purchases the business's physical assets. The seller retains all rights to the legal entity. Use a Business Bill of Sale to set out the terms for the sale of a business and transfer the ownership and all assets to the buyer. When these assets are sold at a gain, the gain can be treated as long-term capital gain, which generally results in a lower tax rate than ordinary income.