A purchase credit journal entry is recorded in the company's purchase journal when buying goods or services on credit from a third party. When you first purchase new equipment, you need to debit the specific equipment (ie, asset) account.And, credit the account you pay for the asset from. This bulletin establishes uniform procedures and standards for receiving, safeguarding and depositing cash. A: No, Retained Earnings is not an asset; it is part of the equity section of the balance sheet, representing the amount of net income retained in the business. Request for Journal Entry. Reference: District Business Procedure 3.23. ASC 326 uses the term "purchased financial assets with credit deterioration" and the definition of PCD assets is broader than the definition of PCI assets. Journal Entries for Credit purchase and Cash purchase with simple examples. When I purchase property or complete construction at some point during the Fiscal Year, will I be taxed on the supplemental value for the entire Fiscal Year?