A purchaser of the assets of a business will be liable for any unpaid sales tax of the seller, as well as any accrued interest and penalties related thereto. You will need to allocate the amount reflected on form 8594 among all the assets.A typical method is to allocate the proceeds based on the original cost. Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale. Browse 161 businesses for sale in Cuyahoga County, OH on BizBuySell. In an asset sale, the new owner purchases the business's physical assets. The seller retains all rights to the legal entity. Name: Phone: Email: 6. Storage of tangible personal property (except such property that the consumer of the storage holds for sale in the regular course of business). Browse 46 Cuyahoga County, OH Business Services businesses for sale on BizQuest.