Start out with crediting the original purchase price. Credit improvements if you capitalized these.Should I use a Journal entry again and get rid of the asset and diminish my Loan to 0 and only then dispose the Fixed asset? You can use the Check or Expense option to record the asset that you purchased. Make sure to set up the account on your Chart of Accounts first. How To Journal It. Client bought a business with a loan, and I'm not sure how to record the asset side of the JE to put the loan on the books. I'm going to show you a way to record the sale of a financed asset uh in QuickBook so you can record the gain rate record the cash you get. This document will provide a guide to the rules and regulations for the preparation and approval of survey plats and legal descriptions. Read everything you need to know about fixed assets: terms, accounting, journal entries, ratios, financial statement treatment, and more. The transfer and recording of all documents conveying interest in land and mineral rights to track the ownership history of all real property in the county.