Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale. The sale of a trade or business for a lump sum is considered a sale of each individual asset rather than of a single asset.The amount of tax that you will ultimately have to pay depends upon whether the money you make from the sale is taxed as ordinary income or capital gains. Asset sales typically generate higher federal taxes because many types of assets are subject to higher ordinary income tax rates. (depends on seller's bracket). If you sold business-use property during the year, you had a gain or a loss on the sale. Complete and file Form 4797: Sale of Business Property. You will need to allocate the amount reflected on form 8594 among all the assets. A typical method is to allocate the proceeds based on the original cost. Form 4797 is used to report gains made from the sale or exchange of business property, including but not limited to property used to generate rental income.