An asset sale is the purchase of individual assets and liabilities, whereas a stock sale is the purchase of the owner's shares of a corporation. An asset is ideal if you want more demand and a higher sale price, while a stock sale is ideal if you want to sell sooner and at favorable tax terms.In a stock sale, the buyer acquires equity from the target company's shareholders. In this case, the stock sale is ignored for tax purposes, and both buyer and seller will be treated as though an asset sale occurred. Learn the tax implications for each type of sale. Notably, active shareholders can avoid this tax whether engaging in a stock or asset sale. Many states, including Michigan, do not have a built-in gains tax. While an asset sale outshines a stock sale in company structure support, it loses a fair amount of points when it comes to tax implications. Because an asset sale is not a typical transaction for most businesses, the isolated or occasional sale exemption may apply. These are the tax implications of selling a small business.