Both the seller and purchaser of a group of assets that makes up a trade or business must use Form 8594 to report such a sale. Form 8594 is a tax document required in certain business sales where the buyer acquires assets rather than stock or equity.All forms and checks are to be sent to: 3300 W. Sahara Ave. , Suite 350, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 The parties also agree to use such allocation among the Assets in completing and filing Internal Revenue Service Form 8594 for federal income tax purposes. The allocation will also have to be reported to the IRS on Form 8594, Asset Acquisition Statement. Find and download Nevada tax forms, including resources and guidelines to ensure accurate and timely filing with the Nevada Department of Taxation. Form 8594, Asset Acquisition Statement, if you sell your business. Asset purchase agreements can be a useful way to create a new business while leaving unwanted resources and potential issues with the seller.